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Royal DSM and Lallemand conclude license agreement
Pess Release
Elgin, Illinois (USA) and Toronto (Canada)
5 April 2019
Royal DSM and Lallemand Inc. are pleased to announce a joint agreement under which DSM grants to Lallemand a non-exclusive, royalty bearing license to DSM’s low-glycerol yeast technology patents (U.S. Patent No. 8,795,998). The license agreement is part of a settlement that was reached following a 2018 US Federal Court jury verdict in Wisconsin. The referenced technology in the agreement is for use in the fermentation of first-generation biofuels.
DSM – Bright Science. Brighter Living.™
Royal DSM is a global, purpose-led, science-based company active in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living. DSM’s purpose is to create brighter lives for all. DSM addresses with its products and solutions some of the world’s biggest challenges while simultaneously creating economic, environmental and societal value for all its stakeholders – customers, employees, shareholders, and society at large. DSM delivers innovative solutions for human nutrition, animal nutrition, personal care and aroma, medical devices, green products and applications, and new mobility and connectivity. DSM and its associated companies deliver annual net sales of about €10 billion with approximately 23,000 employees. The company was founded in 1902 and is listed on Euronext Amsterdam. More information can be found at www.dsm.com.
Lallemand is a privately owned company specializing in the research, development, production, marketing and distribution of yeast, bacteria and other microorganisms for use in the food ingredient, human nutrition, animal nutrition, baking, wine, beer, distilled spirits, biofuels, plant care, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Lallemand has approximately 4,000 employees located in more than 40 countries, on all continents. More information can be found at www.lallemand.com
For a copy of this press release, see here
Published Apr 5, 2019