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Lallemand Health Solutions Rewarded at Probiota 2016
Lallemand Health Solutions is pleased to announce that innovative research presented by Jenna Ries won a Scientific Frontiers poster award at the recent Probiota 2016 event, in Amsterdam1. This is the second year in a row that Lallemand probiotics research is rewarded at this leading industry event. The winning poster described the development of a new, rapid method to detect the occurrence of rare pathogens in probiotics, using cutting edge technology. The proof of concept study presented is very promising and could constitute a first step towards quicker quality control assays in probiotic production. Such progress marks Lallemand Health Solutions commitment to R&D, not only to continuously document its strains benefits and modes of action, but also to improve its production processes and quality control, to better answer its customer’s needs.
The work presented indicate that thanks to the application of sensitive detection technologies (mini VIDAS® or Flow Cytometry) to probiotic samples, Salmonella detection could be realized in less than 22h, vs. several days using traditional microbiological methods. Today, this very promising study is a proof of concept. Further work still needs to be done to develop methods for the detection of other pathogens (e.g. E. coli) and contaminants (e.g. yeasts and molds) before a potential industrial application.
Probiota is the annual event dedicated to bring together probiotic science and industry, the 2016 edition took place in Amsterdam February 2-4. For abstracts and more information about Probiota visit:
- Development of a Novel Method for Rapid Pathogen Detection in Probiotic Products. Jenna N. Ries, Camille Chiron, Thomas A. Tompkins and Pierre Burguière, Probiota 2016, Amsterdam, NL
Published Feb 18, 2016