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Lallemand Brewing successfully launches a new yeast strain for IPA style beers - LalBrew VerdantIPA

Lallemand Brewing successfully launches a new yeast strain for IPA style beers - LalBrew VerdantIPA

For our second brewing yeast launch of 2020, we are pleased to announce that we have collaborated with Verdant Brewing Co. (Falmouth, UK – verdantbrewing.co), a craft brewery focusing on IPAs and modern hop-forward styles. We dried a unique strain isolated in the brewery and named it LalBrew® Verdant IPA in recognition of its origin. This yeast represents a new addition to our portfolio of solutions to enhance and put forward hoppy character in beer that already includes LalBrew® BRY-97 (West Coast Ale Yeast) and New England (East Coast Ale Yeast).

Verdant IPA was selected for its performance and unique sensory characteristics when used to create hoppy styles. A wide range of breweries around the world have executed highly successful pilot brewing trials with LaBrew® Verdant IPA and the availability of this yeast in a dry stable form will brewers give significant opportunities to create diversity in IPAs.

Read more and learn about this exciting new brewing yeast by watching the launch video:

Published Dec 3, 2020

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