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Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits completes another successful Alcohol School
Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits (LBDS) and the Ethanol Technology Institute (the educational arm of LBDS) has recently completed its 2018 Alcohol School held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from Sept 9-14. Approximately 92 delegates from both fuel ethanol and beverage distilling companies from 9 different countries attended the week long course.
The delegates listened to an Industry overview from both Fuel Ethanol and Distilled Beverage perspectives, from what is happening currently
and the future challenges facing both industries. Other presentations ranged from, substrate selection, enzymes and composition from both
starch and sugar based substrates, grain receiving, storage and milling (both wet and dry), and subsequent mash preparation. Lectures on maximizing starch conversion, Yield, efficiency and profitability, and fractionation technologies were also featured. Novel methods of dry grind processing, sugar
feedstocks, getting back to basics for fermentation, water treatment (Distillery residues), cellulose technology and biomass usage were interwoven with discussions on analytical methods techniques, process control, plant troubleshooting and the need for proper cleaning and sanitation to preserve ethanol yields.
Click here for more details about the course.
Published Oct 24, 2018