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Lallemand Animal Nutrition acquires Nova Microbial Technologies

Lallemand Animal Nutrition acquires Nova Microbial Technologies

Lallemand Animal Nutrition announces the acquisition of Nova Microbial Technologies ─ forwarding Lallemand’s mission to provide natural microbial products and services for optimized animal performance and well-being.

“This acquisition creates exciting opportunities for Lallemand Animal Nutrition and Nova customers and more importantly the livestock industries we serve,” says Jeff Ast, Commercial Director, Lallemand Animal Nutrition, North America. “Our common values ─ including the commitment to quality and research, as well as strong customer relationships ─ make this a logical step in strengthening our ability to deliver advanced microbial solutions.”

Alan Larsen, President, Nova Microbial Technologies, is looking forward to offering a broader portfolio to help animal agriculture produce the safe, wholesome end-products consumers are demanding.

“We are especially pleased to work with Lallemand to offer the Micro-Cell® FS products containing the probiotic strain that is noted on the pre-harvest Production Best Practice document from the Beef Industry Food Safety Council,” Larsen says.

The combined portfolios will allow for potential synergies as well as prospects for innovation both in the United States and globally.

“As a global leader in microbial fermentation using yeast and bacteria in animal agriculture, Lallemand Animal Nutrition is continually exploring partnerships that benefit our customers and the livestock industries,” Ast says.

Lallemand Animal Nutrition develops, manufactures and markets high-value yeast and bacteria products including probiotics, silage inoculants and yeast derivatives. Using sound science, proven results and knowledge from experience, Lallemand applies the right strains for the right applications to have the greatest impact and return on investment for customers.

Nova Microbial Technologies markets direct fed microbials, Yucca schidigera whole plant powder extract, IgY technologies, silage inoculants, and specialty products produced with  commitment to integrity and product quality.

Published Mar 15, 2017

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