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ASEV Seminar Explores Effects of Bacteria Strains on Wine Color, Flavor and Complexity

ASEV Seminar Explores Effects of Bacteria Strains on Wine Color, Flavor and Complexity

An industry seminar at the annual meeting of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) in Monterey, California June 20, “Using Malolactic Fermentation as a Driver of Red Wine Style,” explored current science, practices and new possibilities for using malolactic fermentation (MLF) bacteria to manage and enhance wine style.

Dr. Nichola Hall, Technical Consultant with Scott Laboratories in California and ASEV immediate past president, moderated the seminar that highlighted current and emerging industry practices. Hall said: “We are focusing more on using bacteria strains to give us our wine style profiles. We encourage you to think about using different strains to drive varietal characteristics and flavors, and as a tool we can use to build complexity and balance in wines.”

MLF and Wine Color was discussed by  Dr. James Osborne of Oregon State University  and MLF and Wine Aroma and Flavor was presented by Dr. Eveline Bartkowsky, from Lallemand in Australia

Published Jul 10, 2018

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