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Anna Colavecchio from University McGill receive the Van Horn / Lallemand Award for Best Ph.D. Thesis

Anna Colavecchio from University McGill receive the Van Horn / Lallemand Award for Best Ph.D. Thesis

On June 5th Ms. Anna Colavecchio received the Don Van Horn/Lallemand Award for the Best Ph.D. Thesis in Food Microbiology/Food Biotechnology in the Faculty of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences.

Ms Colavecchio thesis is titled “The genomic and phenotypic characterization of phage-like plasmids and their ability to horizontally transfer antiobiotic and heavy metal resistance genes to bacteria of foodborne importance (Director L. Goodridge).

On the picture, from left to right: Professor Chair Varoujan Yaylayan, Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, PhD Anna Colavecchio​and Jacinthe Côté from Lallemand.

Published Jun 20, 2019

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